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Welcome to my blog!

This is a place for my thoughts, wrestlings and observations. There'll be imperfect thoughts and ideas (maybe even some good ones)! Thanks for your reading time and I look forward to reading your comments!


Saturday, 21 February 2015

Kingdom Space

I was having coffee with my wife and a mentor of ours regarding missional church/fresh expression ministries.  He coined a term that rang differently in my ears: "Kingdom space."

For those familiar with the Missional Church movement, there is a great emphasis on NEIGHBOURHOOD ministry.  It's about being present in the local neighbourhood and being a witness to those who live around you.  This is why the concept of "house church" is so prevelent within such circles.  

But what happens when (by the grace of God) those communities start to grow beyond the capacity of one's own home?  Or, when the house congregation begins to crave something other, sacred, in order to worship our holy God?  

I think no matter how missionally focused we can be, there will always be that unique need to worship God in a sacred space.  This doesn't mean we can't worship God within the living room of our house church hosts, but there is something about having a designated space to claim as sanctuary.  

Thus the term "Kingdom space."  Perhaps it'll help any stale or critical views of the polished, stain-glassed, "no running in the" sanctuary images we might have in our minds.  Because we all know that the location really doesn't matter when it comes to real worship.  But we'd be pretty arrogant to assume that PLACE doesn't play a role in people's spiritual growing - otherwise there wouldn't be so many references in the First Testament about busing altars to designate the holy moments that occurred there.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


I heard from a peer of mine that "Procrastination is a symptom of perfectionism."  The idea behind this is that those who procrastinate have a gold nugget in their minds (an idea that has the potential of being truly great and valuable).  They recognize the potential of this idea's value and so hold off until they "have enough time" to truly develop it and perfect it to provide the most value for those who may benefit.  They procrastinate because they want to perfect their idea so that it is foolproof.

I confess this was my attitude in youth ministry.  I had a number of ideas and plans in my head, but never had enough time to truly plan them.  This is true for many people - where does all our time go? As I was reflecting on this question I started wondering perhaps the problem is us.  Perhaps our emphasis on perfection is prohibiting great things from happening.  Perhaps we're getting in the way by trying to perfect something that only God can perfect.

Eugene Peterson critiques the North American perception of "The Pastor" as "...people who 'get things done,' and 'make things happen'" (The Pastor, 2011, 5).  He rather proposes that a pastor is "...the person placed in the community to pay attention and call attention to 'what is going on right now' between men and women, with one another and with God..." (The Pastor, 2011, 5).

Taking this into the role of any ministry position, it makes sense that our goal shouldn't be to perfect our ideas so that they work, but to take the raw nugget and simply role with it.  As we jump into the unknown we are faced with the challenge of asking, "What aspect of the Kingdom can we see unfolding before us?" and drawing people's attention to it.  The idea or "plan" doesn't have to be perfect.  It simply needs to provide the arena in which we seek the Holy Spirit's movement in illuminating us to the reality of the Kingdom of God.

So enough with procrastination and perfectionism.  Rather, let us use our peripheries to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is revealing around us.